“Lawyers must play a more active role in the enthronement of a thriving democracy” -Okey Ohagba

Respected Colleagues,

As we celebrate Nigeria’s Democracy today, it is imperative that we reflect soberly on our present political and institutional developments as a democratic State.

Independence of the Judiciary, Press freedom, respect for the Rule of Law and human rights are the bedrocks of a thriving democracy. How good have we fared on these pivots ?

As lawyers, we must play a more active role in the enthronement of a thriving democracy by striving to remain unwavering and resolute in promoting Rule of Law and social justice devoid of political and ethnic sentiments. We must rise against every attempt to gag press freedom in Nigeria and be more vocal in defense of human rights.

As we celebrate, I urge our leaders to remember the labours of our heroes past and live our collective dreams for a greater and more democratic Nigeria.

And as we pray for lasting peace, unity and good governance in Nigeria, let us pray and work together for a more progressive NBA and a strengthened Legal Profession.

Happy Democracy Day !

Okey Leo Ohagba
Past NBA 1st Asst. General Secretary.

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