Amanda Demechi-Asagba sympathizes with the Family of Gloria Ireka (Newswire publisher)

My heartfelt condolences to Gloria Ireka, the Editor-in-chief of Newswire Law and Events Magazine on the glorious exit of her Sweet Mother Mrs. Comfort Nnechukwu Ireka (nee Uzoeto) the Matriarch of the Ireka dynasty.

She lived a 115% fulfilled life exceeding the three scores and ten human life span as she made four scores ( 80 glorious years), blessed with many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What a Glorious life and Exit?
May the Lord Almighty repose her precious soul in eternal peace and bliss!!!

May the Lord grant you and your family the grace to bear this irreparable loss as you mourn in gratitude to Almighty God for her fulfilled life. She sure finished well!!!


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