Adesina Adegbite’s goodwill message to NBA Ikeja branch on the occasion of her 2022 law week.

On the accasion of our 2022 Annual Law Week which takes place between 10th and 17th June 2022, I most sincerely wish the prestigious Branch, the Nigerian Bar Association, Ikeja Branch (The Tiger Branch) a fruitful celebration.

Over the past decades, the Tiger Branch has blazed the trail in the enthronement of rule of law in Nigeria. The Branch has led several people-centric struggles and defended certain principles of our democracy.

Our dear Branch has been fearless and undeterred in its consistent defence of the rights of citizens, particularly the less privileged, women and children.

The occasion of the 2022 Annual Law Week with the theme: 2023: LOOKING BACKWARDS TO MOVE FORWARD presents us with the unique opportunity to once again, reassess our journey on the road of Democracy, particularly as we get closer to the 2023 General Elections.

I therefore extend my best wishes to the Chairman of the Branch, the entire members of the Executive Committee, the Chairman and members of the Law Week Committee and indeed all distinguished members of my dear Tiger Branch.

Long Live NBA Ikeja Branch
Long Live Nigerian Bar Association
Long Live Nigeria.

Adesina Adegbite
Past Secretary Ikeja Branch
Past National Welfare Secretary and Candidate for General Secretary (NBA Election 2022)

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