Port Harcourt Young lawyer Chinedu Nworgu Endorses Yinka Sokoya for PUBLICITY SECRETARY

Learned silks,seniors ,erudite professors , bar leaders, colleagues etc . permit me to lend my voice in support of the candidature of OLAYINKA SOKOYA as THE NEXT PUBLICITY SECRETARY OF THE BAR

I met Olayinka Sokoya precisely 3 years ago in the ancient city of Ilesa where I started my law practice as a volunteer in the National Youth Service Corps precisely in the law office of Emmanuel Ogunkeye Esq. Overtime in Ilesa , I got even closer to Yinka as he was our senior adviser in the Legal Aid CDS group.

The man Sokoya lives in the future of the legal profession .By this , I mean that he cares a great deal about young entrants into the profession . He is always interested in leaving a young lawyer better than he met him. He is not a don in any accredited law faculty in Universities across the country ;but I make bold to say he is a practicing professor in the University of Advocacy where young lawyers like myself are willing students .

I recall vividly in July 2017 the unfortunate tongues lashing I got from my Lord who presides over court 3 in the Ilesa Division of the Osun State High court . Yinka was on ground to assuage the anger from my lord lord and consequently the pains I got on that day . No thanks to some learned friend whose “yes will not be yes and no not be no “. This incidence and lots others like it portrayed Yinka as “THE UNOFFICIAL PRINCIPAL OF YOUNG LAWYERS”.

I sum up this piece by treating us to the words of a wise man about teachers thus:
” Mediocre teachers tells; average teachers tells and explains ; good teachers tells ,explains and demonstrates ; great
teachers tells , explains ,demonstrates and inspires “.

This great passage describes perfectly Mr Sokoya who is the unofficial principal/ teacher of every young lawyer that comes his way with the intents to nurture the said young lawyer to greatness. Yinka Sokoya tells ,explains , demonstrates and inspires young lawyers who he comes in contact with and as such I do not hesitate to recommend him to all and sundry as the right man to anchor the image-making section of the bar -OFFICE OF THE PUBLICITY SECRETARY.

  • CHINEDU NWORGU is a young lawyer carrying on active legal practice in Port Harcourt.

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